About Me

First of all, I would like to tell you about my situation and what lead me to apply to Antler. I am a tech guy, I can code, and have built SAAS products in the past. But for me the challenge was I don’t have ideas and domain knowledge to solve problems and build a product for them. And that's why I wanted to join Antler to find people with business ideas looking for tech co-founders and builders. As I am good at building and product thinking I believe utilizing my strong side and helping someone else build makes more sense than forcing myself to look for an idea of my own.

I was in the first cohort of the Antler India Residency program.

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About the Interview

For me, the interview had 4 rounds for some people it can be lesser as well.

In the interview, they mainly try to find out below things about yourself.

My suggestions for the interview

So there isn’t any specific preparation you can do for it. The only thing you need to do is tell about your journey, motivations, aspirations etc in detail. Be yourself.

In the program

The first 2 weeks of the programme were offline and it was in Bangalore. The main purpose of the 2 weeks was to get to know your cohort. Each and every person.

The rest of the 10 weeks were online.